profile picture (with cats!)

Hello, I am Tina (the tuna fish).

I've been told I'm a "full-stack designer". I have lead marketing and product design for startups.
Product / Design (ui-ux-visual-graphic) / Frontend Development with a dash of Project Management.

Product/UI/UX @ Curant

Curant (formerly Freightpay)

Product, Design, & Management

As the sole designer at Curant, it is crucial for me to shape the product holistically. This involves everything from user interface, product perception through marketing, customer support, and documentation.

Additionally, internal users shouldn't be neglected either. It is as important to support the engineering team through Frontend, QA, and documentation efforts.

The section ahead showcases what I've done at Curant.
If you'd like to see a deeper glimpse at my designs & process, feel free to skip ahead to Payment Forms or the Widget Library.

key milestones

2022: From $0 to $1M in Transactions

Curant's 2022 year in review

2023: To averaging $1M+ in Transactions/month

Curant's 2023 (Jan - Oct) Transactions


Modernization, brand standardization, & product scalability

Curant's old app design

old app design 

 refreshed app design, branding, and components

Curant's redesigned app, branding, and components


Marketing website launch using Webflow // In collaboration with marketing consultant Jesse Butts

Curant's Website & Blog

Mini-Campaign through LinkedIn posts to connect & meet people at FreightWaves F3 Future of Freight Festival

FreightWaves F3 x Freightpay campaign website and LinkedIn posts

Newsletter series using HubSpot eblasts to keep our existing users engaged & informed

Newsletter emails sent to Curant customers

Pitch decks for Sales, Customers, & Investors

Pitch deck slides for sales, customers, & investors

cx & support

Collaborative customer onboarding (KYB) w/ Trello

The Trello Board for customer onboarding

Designed documentation & support for app

Documentation & support for customers


Coded components in Storybook to help engineers with feature launches

Coded Storybook components with variants

Launched a temporary QA process to define release priorities

Checklist of critical features that needed to be working during releases

Researched using Design Spikes to explore & mockup possible features

Design Spikes: Documentation, Research, and exploration of early design mocks

Curant's Payment Forms

Payment Forms are customizable white-labeled forms that make it easy for 3PLs and Freight Forwarders to receive payments from their clients.

Curant's Payment Forms helped American Worldwide Agencies (AWA) shrink credit card payment times by 75% and streamlined their A/R operations. Read the case study here.


Payments are being collected through highly inefficient ways such as a paper form or transfers with bank routing numbers.

  • Insecure method that often needs back and forth communication to acquire information
  • Hard to track; time is often wasted digging around accounts for reconciliation
  • Does not connect to Accounting or Transportation Management System (TMS)
An example of a paper form used to collect credit card

an example of a paper form used to collect credit card payments


Examples of other payment forms/payment portals

Payment forms aren't anything new.

We just needed an MVP that customers could white-label to start collecting payments & understanding user needs.

...but design needed to keep business & engineering decisions in mind.

  • By using Dwolla for ACH payments, we need to verify & create accounts for clients. They require email, name, and business name.
  • We can only control up to when the user selects a method to pay— once the user is connecting a bank (Plaid) or entering card info (Stripe), we have to use their requirements for the UI/UX.


The process of the Payment Form from phase 1 to phase 2 to final
Collaborated with Engineers using FigJam to map the Payment
          Form's product fit and how Dwolla integrates into Curant's system

Collaborated with Engineers using FigJam to map the Payment Form's product fit and how Dwolla integrates into Curant's system

phase 1: mvp features

Phase 1 designs. From left to right: Iterations of Style/Design/Format, Error handling and states, Settings for the Form

From left to right: Iterations of Style/Design/Format, Error handling and states, Settings for the Form

phase 2: additional user needs

Phase 2 designs. Feature iterations and ideations
Decision tree for Payment Form features

How did we add a possible feature to the Product Roadmap?

There was a good amount of exploration and feedback for what features we should add to the payment forms for our users after launch of the MVP. Using a decision tree helped evaluate priorities.

Side Note: You may notice that we check if an engineer can finish the feature in one sprint twice. Because Curant runs a small agile engineering team, time is an incredibly valuable resource.


The Payment Form with Guest Payment
Creating an additional form that is instantly live with instant customization changes
Making a payment on the form, showing payment methods of ACH & Card


We got users on Curant without without changing their current workflow.

Eventually, the goal was have customers adopt and integrate Curant's advanced features like invoicing clients or payments to vendors into their workflow.

Customers were receiving payments from their Client faster than before.

By having a link to the form on their website, invoices, or email signature, the ball was passed to the Client to make sure they submit their payments on time as soon as they knew how much they owed.

& There was a surprising discovery that led to a new important feature.

Even after launch, some clients of our customers either still preferred the traditional paper form because they have a distrust of digital payment platforms . Therefore, our customers started to submit payments to themselves on behalf of their clients. This resulted in the birth of another feature: "Pay on Behalf".

Curant Payment Forms shrinks credit card payment times by 75% and streamlines A/R operations. Read the case study here.

Bio-Rad's Widget Library

Bio-Rad Laboratories

UI/UX & Frontend Development

Collaborated w/ Samantha LemMon

The Widget Library is a web application that helps sales representatives quickly build personalized and targeted communications for their customers. It is a library of marketing graphics AKA "Widgets" that are pre-linked to Bio-Rad marketing and product pages. Sales reps at Bio-Rad no longer have to download, save, and organize widgets and website URLs. The materials are all in one place and always up to date.

Copy GIF
Paste GIF
Send GIF


Sales needs more ways to drive customer engagement. Product Marketers produce a lot of web materials but it's hard to keep track.

Plus, text links are boring! People like graphics and customized content. But it is hard to keep these materials organized. And, how does one know if they're accidentally linking something outdated?


Vision board to understand the product, users, and goals

Our Users

  • The most common sales workflow is meeting in person or calling preexisting leads, then using an email to follow up.
  • For sending their leads to website pages about their product, they typically have a doc that they copy and paste from. Otherwise, they will search the Bio-Rad website or even ask a coworker.
  • Most of the time, they rather use a brochure at hand or will just download the most recent one from the Bio-Rad FTP server because they're not sure where or what the website pages are.


Homepage/How to Use/Request form

Widget homepage wireframes

Search and Categorization

Widget search & categorization wireframes

Widget Displays

Widget displays wireframes

version 1.0 demo video: hi-fi prototype

Screenshot from v1.0 Demo Video: home page Screenshot from v1.0 Demo Video: widget page


  • Straightforward to navigate
  • Clear, short instructions let the user understand what to do quickly and dive into using the tool
  • Needs more branding
  • Navigation bar needs cleaning up
  • Needs a FAQ section

version 2.0 demo video: released for use

Screenshot from v2.0 Demo Video: home page Screenshot from v2.0 Demo Video: widget page


  • Needs scalability for regional content, including regional translations
  • A search bar for widgets when there are more created
  • Needs a way for the user to know which landing page is linked to the widget at a glance
  • Needs a way to add custom Google Analytics tags without doing it manually

example of a Widget in use

Email and where to paste
Widget when pasted
Widget in mobile mode


Marketers and Sales found that it helped drastically lessen the time needed to dig around for a relevant product brochure or website.

Also, it helped sales both promote and align with the current marketing campaign being run for their products.
And eventually it encouraged marketing teams to revive and maintain older webpages to use with Widgets.

Let's get in touch. or 714 - 515 - 2475 (PST)